Mediatech Publisher

Navigating the Complexity of Global Circular Economy Policies and Regulations

Navigating the Complexity of Global Circular Economy Policies and Regulations The circular economy concept is gaining traction worldwide as a sustainable alternative to a linear economy’s traditional “take, make, dispose” model. This article provides a sampling of the various policies and regulations being implemented or proposed around the globe. View the article to learn more. […]

Moor InSights paper promotion

Moor InSights paper promotion A recent Markets and Markets study expects the global Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) market to grow at a compound annual gross increased rate (CAGR) of 37.5% from 2022 to 2027. This growth is being driven by the pressing need for organizations to process large volumes of semi-structured and unstructured documents, store […]

Maximizing Laptop Reclaim Efficiency

Article: Maximizing Laptop Reclaim Efficiency Every company must take laptop retrieval seriously to safeguard its data and assets, particularly when employees leave the organization. This is where IT asset managers play a crucial role in securing and efficiently retrieving laptops. In this article, we’ll discuss why protecting company data is important, the risks of departing […]