Mediatech Publisher

Security Leaders Handbook: Financial Services Edition

Security Leaders Handbook: Financial Services Edition For financial institutions, digital transformation — the process of moving tools and data to the cloud — is a growing priority, with moreorganizations realizing the benefits of innovation businesses running in the cloud must follow rigorous security standards and practices in order to successfullyprotect their data and remain compliant. […]

The Financial Services Cloud Security Playbook

The Financial Services Cloud Security Playbook For fintech companies, moving business to the cloud is a growingpriority. Transitioning to the cloud allows organizations to scale their operations efficiently, adapt quickly to changing market demands, and reduce costs associated with maintaining on-premise infrastructure.But how does the need for a strong security program factor into plansfor digital […]

DORA: Everything financial institutions need to know about the new regulations

DORA: Everything financial institutions need to know about the new regulations Financial companies everywhere are facing a significant increase in cybersecurity threats and a tightening of cyber insurance criteria. TheEuropean Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), which comes intoeffect in January 2025, aims to safeguard the financial sector againstattacks and disruptions with consistent regulatory standards for […]