Mediatech Publisher

Customer Experience Horizons

CX Horizons: The Big Ideas That Define the Future of Customer and Employee Experience Customer experience (CX) leaders are innovating digital experiences to better connect with today’s customers. This MIT Technology Review Insights report explores how businessesacross industries are rethinking the future of CX, the value proposition for employees and the role of the contact […]

Four megatrends that could threaten your contact center security

Four megatrends that could threaten your contact center security Contact centers are quickly evolving to keep up with rapid technological changes. And the security measures they use to safeguard their customers, employees and company need to keep up, too. The costs of poor security are high: a tarnished reputation, loss of consumer trust and confidence, […]

Five trendsetters in CX innovation

Five trendsetters in CX innovation How do you stand out from your competition? It starts with an optimized customer experience (CX). Many businesses want to create a great CX with innovation but are not sure of the path to get there and are challenged with uncertainty about results. See how five trendsetters used innovation in […]