Mediatech Publisher

Benefits of migrating from CentOS Linux to Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Benefits of migrating from CentOS Linux to Red Hat Enterprise Linux As one of the world’s most popular operating systems, Linux®provides an ideal platform for modern, innovative IT. Still, yourchoice of Linux distribution can have a significant impact on theefficiency, performance, security, and cost of your ITenvironment —and your business. Please fill in the form to […]

Converting CentOS Linux to Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Converting CentOS Linux to Red Hat Enterprise Linux As a result of the end of life (EOL) for CentOS Linux® and thediscontinuation of updates, patches, and releases, mostorganizations have started the process of reevaluating their ITenvironments and planning for a migration to a new operatingsystem (OS). Many have turned to Red Hat® Enterprise Linux, which […]

Rapidly migrate from CentOS Linux 7 with cost-effective solutions

Rapidly migrate from CentOS Linux 7 with cost-effective solutions Organizations that use CentOS Linux® 7 currently face a choice.The CentOS Project will discontinue all updates and releases ofCentOS Linux 7 after June 2024. As a result, CentOS Linuxusers must migrate to a new operating system (OS) to continuereceiving updates, patches, and new features. Whileimplementing a […]