Let our 2024 email and SMS benchmark report
guide your growth

With access to all their customer data, powerful AI, and best in
class email and SMS marketing tools, Klaviyo customers can use
smarter segmentation and automation features to engage and
grow their customers.

In this report, ecommerce marketers can learn what “good” and
“great” look like based on real 2023 results, specific to their
industry within retail. Plus, see real examples of the campaigns
that performers—and hear from the marketers behind them—
to guide your own best practices and drive more revenue and
smarter digital relationships.

This report will cover:

     – Email and SMS campaign engagement stats (open rate,
       click rate, conversion rate, unsubscribe rate, and more)
    – Key metrics for automations like welcome flows,
      abandoned cart flows, and post-purchase flows,
    – Quarterly trends on how email and SMS engagement
      changes during the year

Lets get in touch!

Let our 2024 email and SMS benchmark report guide your growth (#945)