Global Minimum Tax Compliance: The
Calm Before the Storm

Preparing for the Global Minimum Tax Era

The introduction of the Global Minimum Tax (GMT) under the OECD’s BEPS Pillar
Two framework is revolutionizing the landscape of international taxation. With
the enforcement of a global minimum Effective Tax Rate (ETR) of 15%,
multinational corporations must now navigate a new era of compliance
complexities. “Global Minimum Tax Compliance: The Calm Before the Storm”
offers an in-depth exploration of the challenges and strategic responses
required to maintain compliance and leverage opportunities in this
transformative period.

Inside This Whitepaper, You Will Discover:

– A Detailed Overview: Understand the GMT regulations and their implications
for multinational enterprises, particularly those operating within the 55
jurisdictions moving towards its implementation.

– Critical Compliance Strategies: Learn how to assess your systems and
processes, evaluate data sources, and ensure that internal controls are in
place to meet the stringent requirements set by the new tax standards.

– The Illusion of Time: Uncover the misconceptions surrounding the Transitional
Safe Harbour provisions and why immediate action is vital for your business’s
long-term compliance and success.

– Expert Insights: Gain wisdom from leading tax professionals, including the
transformational impact these regulations will bring and why early preparation
is crucial.

Who Should Download:

– CFOs, Finance Leaders, and Tax Professionals looking to navigate the
complexities of GMT

– Multinational Enterprises seeking guidance on the fast-approaching changes
and compliance requirements

– Business Strategists aiming to understand the impact of global tax changes
on their operations and planning

Embrace Change and Lead with Confidence

The GMT landscape is evolving rapidly, with significant ramifications for
multinational corporations. Delaying preparation could result in compliance
missteps, financial penalties, and operational disruptions. Equip yourself with
the knowledge, strategies, and best practices to navigate this shift successfully.

Download “Global Minimum Tax Compliance: The Calm Before the Storm”
today and position your business at the forefront of global tax compliance and

Watch the webinar

Unpack the key themes covered in this whitepaper in the webinar with panel
experts from Thomson Reuters and EY. Watch now.

By: Sam Johnstone

Direct Tax Proposition Lead, Thomson Reuters – Asia and
Emerging Markets

Sam Johnstone is Thomson Reuters’ Direct Tax Portfolio Lead
across Australia, Asia, Middles East, Africa and Russia. Sam
has over 15 years’ experience working with multi-national
organizations tax and finance departments supporting their
technology and transformation goals in APAC, EMEA & U.S.

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Global Minimum Tax Compliance: The Calm Before the Storm

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