Crafting a Digital Enterprise that Navigates to Next

A tell-tale characteristic of a remarkable early adopter is setting newer and higher standards for the industry. These companies can enforce concepts that seem incredibly challenging to execute. To realize one such vision, Kraft Heinz tapped into Infosys’ digital solutions to navigate to a new connected experience for their workforce.

Kraft Heinz is the 5th largest food and beverage company in the world. To take advantage of new technology capabilities, the company decided to take a step into the digital world. Their idea was to completely migrate their legacy systems to the cloud and create a singular data hub. One that would fuel their day-to-day analytics and their ongoing transformation.

This idea is otherwise known as the re-architecting of a data hub. An undertaking this crucial required ample amount of screening potential partners. Kraft Heinz was looking for a unique partner – dependable, sharing a vision congruent with their own, and having deep technology expertise. In the end, they entrusted us with this project. As soon as we were brought on board, we presented them with a solution that provided the following: data accessibility for data-driven decision making, a digital-native enterprise for real-time interactions, and a data economy to harvest information from. Leveraging Infosys Cobalt, we were able to transform Kraft Heinz into a cloud-first enterprise and deliver on taking them closer to their aspirations.

Read more about this fascinating step that Kraft Heinz took to become a digitally empowered F&B company.

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16. Kraft Heinz - Crafting a Digital Enterprise - Navigate Your Next | Infosys